balance and accountability
in West Milford
balance and accountability
in West Milford
If a standing room only crowd that opposed making the mayor FULL TIME with salary and benefits couldn't change their minds, then what can?
To them, a guaranteed vote is more important than their integrity and reputation as individual council members.
Local volunteers are discouraged, taken for granted and ignored by this council and mayor.
Unchecked Power leads to lack of accountability.
Hold them accountable! Vote Them Out!
Hold them accountable! Vote Them Out!
Why Karen and Brian? We put in the effort!
We've been:
Visiting neighborhoods, knocking on doors, and talking with West Milford residents
Making ourselves accessible around town
Working with West Milford First to change our form of government to a non-partisan, ward system
Meeting our elected officials in Congress and Passaic County to build relationships to benefit the town
"I proudly endorse Karen Phelan and Brian Zlotkin for West Milford Council.
Karen and Brian understand the issues most important to our residents. They will fight to lower our taxes, support our small businesses, and keep our communities and families safe.
That is why I am proud to support Karen and Brian for Council."
-Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-5th)
If you want new ideas, you need new people!
Our platform:
Listen and Respond to Our Community
Listen and Respond to Our Community
1. Include the community in town-wide decisions
Make it easier for people to participate and know what's going on using town halls and web technology, such as online council meetings and an "Ask your council" discussion forum
Engage our community in ways to lower our taxes, for example: garbage and waste removal, shared services
Put major issues and changes to government to a vote via referendum
2. Preserve our lakes
and woods
and woods
Make it a priority to solve water runoff and septic issues causing the harmful algae blooms that hurt our lakes, health and economy
Reject efforts by private companies to exploit our state, county and local open space preserved to protect our ecology, wildlife and recreation
Enforce accountability for wild fire prevention and preparedness on the Newark Watershed and other non-municipal properties
3. Build an economy around our environment
Support the Greenway Project
Plan events and marketing materials to promote local tourism and economic growth
Work with NY/NJ Trail Conference, JORBA (NJ Off Road Biking Association) and other groups to build a network of trails to connect existing areas to town center
Our club and committee
About us
The West Milford Democratic Club and Municipal Committee work together to serve the residents of our town by campaigning in elections, advocating for causes, participating in government, and sponsoring acts of public service.
Our members are ordinary people who love our town and want to make life better for everyone - economically, ecologically, and even socially.
We endeavor to unite people around common causes, tackle the real issues in our community, and represent all residents in our government.
Our ultimate goal is to ensure we have an inclusive and fair democracy where everyone thrives.
We meet the fourth Wednesday of the month at different locations.
REMEMBER: Vote the entire Democratic ticket.
Visit ActBlue to donate online
Mail a check payable to:
WM Democratic Municipal Committee
P.O. Box #674, Hewitt, NJ 07421.